
Quick Croquis in Painter 11

I am not one to demystify how I do my thing. But I felt compelled to do a little video showing how I do what I do. I just love to draw. I wish I could do it more often for fun, but for gain is fun too!!

I have had many debates with people as to why I don`t use paper when creating works for clients. Though I do have a sketch book by my bed, for when the mood hits, Digital is just so much better. I don`t feel it depreciates my art and unlike any piece made on canvas, it will be here in 200 years for now.

I have yet to find a draw back. Digital art is great for the environment and the economy. No more paper to buy, no more trees to kill. Even as retro chic forms of art make a comeback, digital will still compete and hold a respectable place.

The videos have music-you may want to turn down your speakers.