The Gift
Last Tuesday and Wednesday, the 22nd and 23rd, were awful. I was just losing the battle of keeping things clean and organized to what became the move from heck. I had to grind all projects to a halt, everything had to take a break so I could move.
Sometimes in the middle of the “awful” there is a little glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. I had received a package in which I didn`t immediately recognize the sender. I didn`t open it right away because I was trying to pack. When I had a moment, I opened it only to find it was a precious bracelet from Dior Couture.
Working with this company is just surreal. I felt the whole time like I was being inducted in the Hall of Art History. My mind just started flying 75 years into the future when the only thing left of me would be my drawings and books would be published on the artwork this brand inspired. I became aware of the part I have in this legacy. Yep, choking, teary…