
8 Movies to Get You in a Paris State of Mind

I have been planning a shopping trip to France for over two years now and I think It may be about to happen, (time has not been set, YET). I have been advised not to travel to the city of lights during summer as many shop keepers do go out for summer holiday.

I started to think what movies sparked that “I gotta see Paris” feeling in me. Here are 8 sure cool chick (and not so chick) flicks for you to get excited!

  1. Moulin Rouge-This dreamy and colorful movie was what revived that “pack your bags” feeling in me after having been dormant for years. Though it is mostly shot in a “reconstructed” period set, it is a visual master piece. I actually tried the green fairy (Absinthe) after watching this movie. I have to tell you, I was disappointed. (photo source)
  2. La Femme Nikita– NOT the TV show!!! There are 3 versions, Point of No Return, Le Femme Nikita French version and the American version La Femme Fatale the one with Antonio Banderas and  Rebecca Romain. I have watched all three and I like the version with Rebecca Romain. This movie is very violent, not a chick flick at all. But I included it because, at least on the version I selected, the Parisian landscape is better depicted and more appealing. The street views alone are worth putting up with the senseless violence. Don`t watch it with the kids!
  3. Amelie-OH!!! Oh!!!!!! OHHHHH!! My all time Fave! The visuals are just amazing!!! Every time I watch it I want to go out and take pictures of random people. The train shot and street views intertwined with the adorable story makes it a MUST watch. This movie has gotten a lot of criticism, due to its depiction of a friendly and cozy Paris, and also for the inconspicuous absence of “darker” people (the latter, per an angry director). Personally, I don`t care, because Audrey Tatou, the actress who played Amelie, looks like some kind of tan to me and you`d be silly to think in a big city like Paris, everyone knows and loves each other. Apparently, many Japanese visit this city and have to be returned home when they face the cruel reality. It`s called Tokyo Syndrome.  I have also heard many say you must ALWAYS say Bon Jour when you meet some one or you will get a muffled “Stupid Americain“. Needs no translation. French with English subtitles.
  4. The Last Time I saw Paris (1954)– I don`t remember when I first watched this movie but it was one of those movies that touches you. Set in Post-WWII, you will be romanced by the time setting alone. Between the shots of Paris celebrating its new found freedom and the shots of what I think are the budding beatnik cafes, it is truly worth watching. Elizabeth Taylor has this sweetness about her, it`s easy to fall in love with her. My fave part? When Charles (Van Johnson) says, “You’re a girl after my own heart.” Hellen (Elizabeth Taylor) says, “Make no mistake, I’m after it.” AHHHHH Chick FLICK!!
  5. Entre Nous(1983)-Two friends recently liberated from a Nazi camp try to piece their former lives. They find that not only has the world changed around them, but their goals and dynamic of their friendship as well. Though they decide to go their separate ways, they keep in touch. One of the friends opens a small shop in Paris. Can I have one too???  French with English subtitles.
  6. Funny Face (1957)-You can`t do Paris without Audrey!! This is such a cool flick. Set in both New York City and Paris, is the story about girl gets ‘discovered’ and thrown in to the high fashion world. This is the one where she dances in the black leotard leggings, and she gives a glimpse look at the beatniks in Paris. This movie is very much a musical, but so much fun to watch. 
  7. Chocolat-Not really set in Paris per say, this movie is romantic not just in its story, but in the visuals and time period. Between how picturesque and decorative everything is and how _____(fill your sexy word of choice here) Johnny Depp is it a treat for any Francophile!
  8. French Kiss-Though I honestly can`t remember what shots of Paris made it to this movie, I do remember that the movie is about a woman who finds out her Canadian Fiance is dumping her for another woman after she has changed her citizenship to marry him. Then this charming version of a French Casanova travels with her and in the process shows her how better off she is without him.The shots of the French country side make you consider repatriation.  The most relate-able quote for me in this movie, ” I am in fact (a woman) without a country.” 

Will some one please get me my passport!!!! I am so ready….

  1. kim@parisian party

    January 17, 2010 at 2:59 PM

    Ah, what about “Paris, Je T’aime” or something more vintage like “Diva”?

  2. Elaine Biss Designs

    January 18, 2010 at 1:53 PM

    Hi Kim!!
    Those two are fantantastic specially “Paris, Je T`aime” is very romantic! I haven`t watched Diva… but will! Have you ever seen Zazie Dans le Metro?” I heard is very good!

  3. Momisodes

    January 19, 2010 at 1:59 AM

    Amelie and Moulin Rouge are both some of my favorite movies of all time. Like you, after watching both, I yearned to walk the streets of Paris! I hope you’ll be able to see the city of lights very soon!

  4. Elaine Biss Designs

    January 19, 2010 at 5:32 AM

    Hey Sandy!! Oh I sure hope so!! Thanks for coming to my blog!!!!

  5. Paris Pastry

    February 11, 2010 at 12:36 PM

    OMG, I can’t believe I still haven’t seen ‘Moulin Rouge’! Thank you so much for this post! I love watching movies about France and Paris to get into a French-mindset!

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