For the last month, I have been working many projects but this fantastic project is finally done.

Keys to the Fleas is a comprehensive iPhone application that allows you to get information to the flea markets of Paris as well as pictures, hours and directions, done by one of today`s authorities in Parisian shopping, Claudia Strasser. It`s just 1.99!

If you have an iTouch or an iPhone click here.

2 Comments on Keys to the Fleas iPhone Application-UX Visual Design

  1. BonjourRomance
    July 11, 2010 at 9:33 PM (15 years ago)

    Bonjour Elaine,
    Just came by via Claudia’s – your illustration on her new app is gorgeous! So glad to get to know your work. You certainly do have a French flair. I’m a new follower and will be back soon.
    Bon semaine,

  2. send Rakhi to USA
    July 13, 2010 at 2:22 AM (15 years ago)

    your applications is about flea market very useful… Potential