
A Moment in Paris

Velib (bike to rent) station
Merci mille fois Monseiur Deligny ;)
Just getting my head in gear!!

  1. Je m'appelle Cynthia

    August 2, 2010 at 10:54 PM

    I love to ride bikes. And I would love to ride a bike in Paris. Maybe I will in September!

  2. BonjourRomance

    August 3, 2010 at 2:52 AM

    Bonjour Elaine,
    The Velib have been a big hit here in Paris – unfortunately I am the worst bike rider in the world. Don’t know what happened there. Does this mean you are planning a trip to Paris?
    Hope all is well for you, thank you for your visit.
    Bon week,

  3. Elaine Biss Designs

    August 3, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    I am planning a visit! Thanks for commenting everyone!

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