fashion, inspiration

Inspiration Files-Roy Halston Frowick

Loved by his timeless fashions and, perhaps hated by his choice mannequin displays, Halston is without a doubt the father of self licensing. This to me, speaks volumes as it is still uncommon for a designer or artist to do so.

From Jackie O. to Elizabeth Taylor, he was loved by the classiest women and he harnessed that to propel his career that still lives on today.

  1. BonjourRomance

    August 11, 2010 at 5:01 AM

    Bonjour Elaine,
    Halston’s designs were timeless – where have all those fabulous designers gone?
    Will have the giveaway drawing this evening – lots of lovely comments on your new book!
    Merci encore and bon journée!
    P.S. Your new photos is beautiful!

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