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I’ve Won a ‘Stylish Blogger’ Award!

I am honored to have received the Stylish Blogger Award from BellaTYPE`s Lauren Thompson.

And what can I say about Lauren? I think she might be a super heroine in diguise. Some times life gives you a situation in which you get to see the quality of character of people. Let`s just say, I failed and Lauren taught me how to be better. She is indeed one of the sweetest, kindest souls I have met on the web and she deserves more than this award. She is a one of a kind designer. Creative, inventive and her work is superb. If I had to pick one person I could be like, Lauren you are it. Thanks girlfriend!

By accepting this award, we agreed to the four “rules” that follow:

  1. Thank and link back the person that awarded it to you
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great Bloggers
  4. Contact those Bloggers and tell them about their blog award

1. Thank and link back the person that awarded it to you

Thank you Lauren!

2. Share 7 things about yourself

I will be honest, sharing is hard for me. but I`ll give it a go.:)

  1.  I am addicted to Just Dance 2.  My favorite songs are Football Crazy, Jump in the Line and Dagomba. I do it every day and I love it. I have the injuries to prove it.
  2.  I listen to French radio stations. When I was 12 and perfecting my English, I was told to watch tv and listen to the radio and you`ll pick up the language quicker. Let`s just say, it`s true and it works!
  3. I recently decided I have no favorite color. But guess which one I would choose!!! Look around and take a wild one! :)
  4. I talk. All day. On the phone. And on Skype. And IM. I am busy. Always. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year.
  5. I believe that If you receive something good, it`s because you deserve it and have worked for it. It wasn`t taken away from someone who wanted it too and no one went without because you have it. There is a lot of wealth in the world and your stash is waiting for you to claim it. 
  6. I believe that liars are the only ones who believe the saying “there are two sides to every story”. Of course there are two sides. One is a lie, the other one is the truth. To me, the truth is the only side, but only your choice on the side you take. I also believe back stabbers are the only ones who believe they should “keep their enemies closer”.
  7. I still write on paper. There is a magic I cannot explain and outpouring of my soul to it. I even use dip pens just to feel that connection to the words written.

3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great Bloggers 

This is even tougher because I know a lot of good artists. They are all good! Oddly enough, Lauren I would have given you and so would StarSunflower Studio and Lori Malibu Italian(honorable mention). In no particular order :)

  1. Paper Nosh Paperie
  2. msmmcsbeautibox
  3. Lori Malibu Italian
  4. Gingerly Spiced
  5. mydeasonline.com
  6. Pink Pig 
  7. kitschbitsch
  8. thespottedolive 
  9. Nikki Cutro 
  10. The Divine Miss S
  11. PeppersPolish Mafia  
  12. Margarita Bloom
  13. Mariluz
  14. Lori S. 
  15. Melissa Hamilton
  1. The Spotted Olive

    December 20, 2010 at 7:16 PM

    Wow! Thank you, Elaine. I’m so honored that you included me. :)

  2. The Kitsch Bitsch

    December 20, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Thank you, doll! I am all kerfuffled and a bit fishmeckled!
    SMOOCHES, darling!

  3. The Kitsch Bitsch

    December 20, 2010 at 7:37 PM

    Thank you, doll! I am all kerfuffled and a bit fishmeckled!
    SMOOCHES, darling!

  4. La Vie en Green

    December 20, 2010 at 7:56 PM

    Is that me on the #13? Oh my!!! THANK YOU! what an honor coming from you. You have a great sense of style. I admire you LOTS!

  5. Melissa

    December 21, 2010 at 3:48 AM

    Thanks so much Lainey! I am honored to be on your list as I am such a HUGE fan of your work as well!

  6. MalibuItalian

    December 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM

    Elaine!!! Thank you sooo much for this honor. I am truly humbled to be included in this fabulous group of artists. Hugs to you, my friend!

  7. MalibuItalian

    December 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM

    Elaine!!! Thank you sooo much for this honor. I am truly humbled to be included in this fabulous group of artists. Hugs to you, my friend!

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