fashion, Illustrations

Girl`s Gossip-Feminine Digital Sketch

Love a little innocent gossip! :) A little something I created in 2008.
  1. Je m'appelle Cynthia

    January 16, 2011 at 2:30 AM

    Ah, how cute! That was me today at the hair dresser’s salon getting my highlights! I sat under the dryer reading VOGUE magazine.

    Love your illustrations, Elaine.

    What are digital sketches? Do you do them in Coral or Illustrator? : )

  2. Elaine Biss Designs

    January 16, 2011 at 2:49 AM

    This is photoshop. Not my favorite but it does the job. I love it!!!

  3. M-T

    January 16, 2011 at 5:11 PM

    Ahh, yes, I remember the old days of sitting under the hairdryer with rollers for hours and hours.

    Where did we find the time?

    Haven’t stopped by in a while (again, time issue) so I’m delighted to catch up w/your beautiful posts.

    “Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2011 — Bonne Année!!”

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