The time I was accepted at FITNYC
I don`t even know how to begin to explain this. I have wanted to attend FIT for 3 years now. But for some reason, it just wasn`t happening.
I always known drawing is for me. I love it. I live it. I never really embraced sewing. I have known how to do it since I was very young thanks to my mother. So when a chance came to take sewing in school, I refused to use a pattern because it felt like I was “cheating”. It wasn`t my design. It just didn`t make sense so use it. I quickly changed my mind and combined two patterns to create one unique one.
I know the desire is still not in me to sew. But there is a Je ne sais quoi about fashion that I can`t resist. Not all fashion though. The drawings. The art. The history. My particular obsession lies in accessories. So what does this have to do with FIT? Absolutely nothing. I am attending this summer and I am sharing my excitement with you.
I still don`t know what I will finally choose to study. I am just taking a bunch of random art classes and having fun with it. I believe reinventing yourself is the key to happiness ( and the joyous ending to what was a dead end rut career.) :)
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April 7, 2011 at 6:21 AMGood for you Elaine! Can’t wait to see all the new inspiration that you will find!
We need to talk!
April 11, 2011 at 3:13 AMInspiration can come from many sources. Hope this one spurs you to new heights of creativity.
In any event, it will be fun to spend time in one of my favorite cities.
Keep us posted. Can’t wait for the updates.