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Losing Weight The French Way Dukan Update

This is me on February 16th 2010

Okay so here is a before. Yuck. I was exercising sporadically and not really committed to anything…. *sigh*

This is me 13 lbs lighter.

I still don`t look phat, just fat, but it`s a start. I am certainly doing things I haven`t done before. Seriously I can`t tell the difference. :D

  1. Photo Girl

    May 15, 2011 at 8:12 PM

    You were beautiful in both photos. Congrats on the loss!

  2. BonjourRomance

    May 17, 2011 at 11:28 AM

    Bonjour Elaine,
    I agree with photo girl – you are beautiful in both photos. Love you in that blsck dress, is that a wrap? I absolutely love wrap dresses – I wear them all the time, and they hide a mutitude of sins…
    Good for you, I am inspired by you? I have indulged in way too many pastries.
    Bonne chance,

  3. Elaine Biss Designs

    May 17, 2011 at 1:20 PM

    It`s a tapered skirt with a v neck shirt. I love black and plan on wearing it more often. Thank you both for your vote of confidence. This is a tough diet and God knows I want cake!! :)

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