I Called Joe Pitts
Me: Good Morning! My name is Elaine Biss and I am calling you about SOPA.
Me:It may pass this week. As a graphic designer who creates content for the internet, I hope you reconsider not passing this measure.
Me:As someone who understands what being falsely accused of copyright infringement means today, if SOPA passes, anyone who accuses a site or person of copyright infringement and could have their sites taken down without due process or proof of the actual infringement and be liable for damages. All they need to do is accuse someone.
Joe: Yes
Me: This could kill my job. And unlike many Americans who expect the government to make a job for them, I created mine. I sat down and I created drawings. This is my living.
Joe: What is your name?
Me: Elaine Biss. If you google me you will get at least 7 million pages. I don`t want to lose my job, Joe. Please work for me! (Turns out that figure is more like 1,470,000. Sorry Joe I should have double checked that!)
Joe:(he gets my address) Thank you for Calling!
Me: Thank you and have a great day!
I urge you to please call your rep to deny passing of SOPA http://americancensorship.org/. I very seldom pick a side or even make mention of any political matter here. However this measure could block your ip address, like they do in China, if so much someone, without proof or due process, accuses you of infringing on their copyright. This is done, so big companies, who have lots of money to lobby in Washington and have attorneys to write measures like this, can remove their content from your site without fussing with anyone in court.
And if you are a designer that creates web content, I highly suggest you call your local rep and let them know how this new SOPA measure will kill the job you created. Visit http://americancensorship.org/ for more information.