inspiration, What's new!

Why Some Succeed

As you know, I am in crisis. I`m not complaining. It is what it is.Don`t feel bad. Crises are completely normal. When your career is contingent upon the opinion of the masses, it becomes a priority for such opinions to be positive. Yet, no one can win them all. I don`t take failure well. I have almost always succeeded at everything I do. My failures are usually grand and public for everyone to gawk at.

Oh and my pity party is almost over.

Yet my successes seem to be a big deal only after they happen. Working for Dior made me aware of this. Getting a newspaper feature did too. Passing with a grade higher than a b is a big deal. Learning to draw in the computer until you are so good people buy your drawings is a big deal.

I think however that what it teaches you is the gift of perseverance. You love it, therefore you do it when others give up. It`s a marriage of sorts. That is why you stick around and continue to forge ahead.

In the book Welcome to your Crisis by Laura Day, she says that crises are catalysts for change. They shake you awake and spring you into the right course action. In Feng Shui, the concept of crisis and opportunity go hand in hand.

I am currently on the hunt for inspiration and reading The Artist`s Way. This week I will share my findings. Here is my first tidbit of inspiration.