The Dukan Diet… Again
Dukan and I were friends–Good friends. And then, I left him. After achieving a nice healthy weight, I have since gained about 15 lbs, give or take 5. In any case, after three months of pure insanity, Algebra headaches and going back to my lovely sitting down job, I have decided to give the diet, I mean, relationship another go. And though this blog is not about my life, at least I would like to inspire you.
I am kind of back on the Dukan. Why kind of? Because I have no intention on doing this for a long time and suffering from its side effects. The Dukan diet can jump start your metabolism. It teaches you to be mindful of what you eat. The word ‘diet’ means to live one`s life in Greek. I want candy sometimes. I want to fry something sometimes. Life is hard and food can be comforting.
With that said, I am having small amounts of carbs, with my chicken breast and cottage cheese. I am eating when I am hungry. Drinking water and cooking instead of ordering out. Also exercising. Oh and Sassy water from the Flat belly diet. To my surprise, it has worked. I already lost 6 lbs. Yay!!
Want to get inspired? Here is my fitness and diet Pinterest.