There is a Feng Shui principle called 27 things. In Feng Shui, the saying “As the within, so the without” is the basis for its teachings. Your surrounding are a reflection of you, your mental state and health.

According to my surroundings, I am nuts. :)

Okay maybe not so much. I have been putting in real effort in my housekeeping and keeping my office tidy. However, the amount of stuff I have amassed since 2005 when I started this business, with the excuse of it being a “inspiration file”, makes me look like a Rubbermaid container away from being an organized hoarder.

I have watched that show. It terrifies me.

So, besides the obvious nuisance of having too much stuff in a little studio can create, Feng Shui says that too many things creates conditions in the body and mind. I don`t know that I am there yet, but I can tell you I don`t want to find out.  So for the next 9 days, I will refuse/give/donate 27 things each day.

I am on day 4. I am going through old magazines, catalogs and books I don`t want to part with. In tears. Getting rid of them means I am giving up on a dream or design idea I may have had at the time I acquired them. I am emotionally attached to these old books and ripped magazines.

However, there is no need to hold on to so much when someone else could enjoy these possessions. I have emailed a friend to become new owner of these goodies and perhaps create from them.

At the end of the 9 days, you are supposed to get ‘unstuck’, your ‘chi’ reflows, and you can regain your health and mental harmony.

I will let you know how I ‘feel’ after Sunday. ;)


2 Comments on 27 Things

  1. Melissa Blake
    October 1, 2012 at 7:52 PM (12 years ago)

    Good luck!! :)

  2. Elaine Biss
    October 2, 2012 at 10:22 AM (12 years ago)

    Thanks! :D