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Behind the Scenes 4

I think you could say I have been lost behind the scenes. The book, Ms. Pig E. Banks (available for pre-sale), had a minor glitch  I under quoted the time I needed to finish by two times as much. The 12 main illustrations ended up becoming 24 pieces and I was more than freaking out. Twice the work in half the time.

On the brighter side, I got to meet the author. Ajshay is always beaming with energy and excitement. She stayed at our home for a week and her two Yorkies, Chloe and Bitsy. Both spent time on my lap while I sketch and laid out the book. It was intense. One week later and the book was done. I miss you guys!!

 I have created books before but this project had to be done a certain way. Ajshay and I meshed very well. I was able to get inside her head very well. :D From finishing the book, to setting up her store with books, to planning out her crowd-funding…even composing music, shooting video and animations… These things had to be set up and we found the perfect people to handle the job.

As for me I am glad to have my time back. I miss drawing. ThenMy husband was laid off.. My husband`s grandma passed away. Thirteen days later, mine passed away. It was a lot in a short period of time.

In the interim, I took a class called Keep It Simple: Video for Photographers. The class was so amazing. To think that if you have a DSLR camera you can shoot professional video blew my mind. They had a contest and I entered it. I didn`t think anything of it until I got this. My Nikon has become more than a toy.

And of course I was super excited! Lindsay Adler and Jeff Rojas were amazing teachers. To enter the contest you had to pick a quote from the class. “We learned from our mistakes and our mistakes were expensive” Jeff said.

That quote touched me, because in my early days, I was very much alone. No one held my hand while I took baby steps. And my mistakes were very expensive. I am super thankful for the class and for my prizes. The prize pack is very generous, $1,000 worth of awesome gear and photography goodies. Even a fashion photography course! As the goodies start arriving, I will post them here.

Thanks again Lindsay Adler and Jeff Rojas…It is so nice to see that there are people, who are good at what they do and willing to share what they know with the world. XOXO

P.S. Hubby got his job back. :D