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My Russian Period- Watercolor Fashion Illustrations

 After the dark ages, a new Renaissance period emerged filled with beautiful artwork. After living through the cruelest summer of my life (insert over-dramatic gesture here), I am getting a chance to create beautiful artwork.

And ever since I discovered Russian watercolors, I think I am in love! I even got Russian Kolinsky sable round brushes to keep it as authentic as possible.

The colors are beautiful and they even have a metallic color line that is professional grade. I no longer mix acrylic or gouache to give my watercolor metallic shine. The sable grabs the pigment and makes a beautiful dreamy strokes. I reviewed the watercolors in the video below.

Just a heads up, if you plan to but Kolinsky brushes, new regulations have made them almost impossible to get and their prices are inflated. Specially the ones that come straight from Russia.  You may be able to still find them on ebay.


Nevskaya Palitra has beautiful metallics.

Yarkas leave the vibrant, glossy color.