fashion illustration

Dance in the Rain


Sometimes no matter how hard you try, or don’t, you come to the realization that perhaps you must change and adapt.

When Elizabeth Gilbert finished Eat Pray Love, the pressure was on for her to create something just as spectacular and grand. Instead she started a garden.

This year has been spectacularly well to me. And when downtime came, I took a calligraphy class. This isn’t a new skill. I took calligraphy while studying commercial art.

While taking the class, I realized my line work needed help. I purchased two books on how to improve on my figure drawings. Best investment ever.


And then it happen. Pure. Unbridled. Fear. Anxiety inducing fear. My drawings had changed from the last class I took about two years ago. My pieces looked different. Like I didn’t draw them myself.

Uncomfortable as it may have been, I had to accept the fact my style had changed. And be okay handing in the work that look so foreign to me. All while dancing in the rain.

Change is good. As scary as it may be, it can be freeing. It may be small and gradual. Or large and radical. Change can lead you to discover something larger than yourself.

The capability to improve on yourself.
