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Taylor Made Polish X Elaine Biss

I love nail polish!** But I have often found it hard to wear since the chemicals tend to dry and break my nails. So I am always on the lookout for better nail polish formulas.

It never occurred to me that a bespoke nail polish would be a fun alternative. Taylor Made Polish mixed a few colors that came right out of my palette. Vanessa, the founder of Taylor Made, curated a limited collection branded by my graphics.

The fun colors dry fast. This is something I need when I paint my nails.

The colors are inspired by some of the colors from my palette and even a color I used to use in my logo when I started out in 2005. The collection has 5 colors, a pearl white color, light pink, hot pink, red and gold. Each color retails for $14.

This collaboration included a video of me creating an illustration with Taylor Made nail polish, and unboxing of these fabulous nail polishes. Check out my Instagram for more behind the scenes peek! Visit

**As per FTC rules, I must disclose that I received my samples free of charge.