Bloomingdale`s & Eileen Fisher

On September 19th, from 11-3, I will be creating illustrations at the Short Hills Mall in New Jersey. This event is by appointment only. I am very honored and excited to be part of such an exclusive event. Drawing illustrations for an event is not only exciting but I get some instant feedback from the […] Read more…

5 Things You Tell Yourself that Kill Your Creativity

Have you ever found yourself talking yourself out of projects? Being mean or stingy to yourself? How about demeaning your skills? Those are sure fire ways to kill your creativity! Since I recently engaged in this shameful behavior, I figure I`d write an article on how I conquered my meany talk and revived my creativity. […] Read more…

Chanel Les Beiges

I recently tried Chanel Les Beiges, courtesy of Vogue Influencer Network. They sent me a small sample of their new powder. I really wasn`t sure how to catalog this. It felt like foundation but the coverage was minimal. It gave me a glow like bronzer would. They do say to apply it by starting on […] Read more…

Basic Proportions of a Face and Body

It has been a while since I posted any how to`s. Since I have been hitting the fashion drawing board hard, I figured I shared some of the little tricks I use to keep a figure proportionate. You know how they say, learn the rules well, so you can break them effectively. Learning the rules […] Read more…

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