Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

What's new!

The Nightmare is Over

I never ponder on the amount of things I have. Mostly because they were never in boxes waiting in the living room to be loaded to a truck.What should have taken just a day,took 3 whole days to move. Non stop. I actually slept at night!Working at a desk all day really does qualify as sedentary  ...

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What's new!

Been So Long…

I really didn`t mean to get so busy, plus I have wicked writer`s block… But I have been Letterpressing! I am very excited to be putting my efforts on this form of art. Enjoy some of my original designs. They are on sale at my etsy store at http://elainebiss.etsy.com. I do plan to open a  ...

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Notice Something? I Love it!

Back in 2007 my web site at Elaine Biss was all black with a cute little animation of my fashion girl here. Though my web site has changed quite a bit, I still print collateral with her in it.  There is just something very girly sweet about her. I always thought it was the messy stuff  ...

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Clients, fashion, Illustrations

Loving Dior

Working for big companies differs from company to company. Some are very cozy, some impersonal. Some have a personal touch. Dior is so fantastic in every way, personal touch, friendly and there is a sense of belonging that I can`t compare to anything else. Collaborating with them again is so  ...

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Quick Croquis in Painter 11

I am not one to demystify how I do my thing. But I felt compelled to do a little video showing how I do what I do. I just love to draw. I wish I could do it more often for fun, but for gain is fun too!! I have had many debates with people as to why I don`t use paper when creating works for  ...

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