Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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The Road Less Traveled

I am happy to announce that I am dedicating my design firm to illustrations and stationery design. I have said this many times, but this is the right time to finally embrace what I love. Through the years I have come to see web design the same way an artist sees mounting canvas before painting,  ...

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How to Make an Apron Out of 6 Dish Towels

Okay this is my first picture tutorial, so bear with me. I don`t know if I mentioned this, but I know how to sew. In this tut, I teach you how to sew together an apron out of 6 dish rags. I liked these rags because they had a linen texture. There were purchased at the Dollar Tree for a dollar  ...

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Rescuing a Memory-Couples

I truly don`t know what I like most. How well they dressed, the places they visited or how palpable the chemistry is in some of these pictures. Back then, there was no internet, dating sites or reality dating show hookups. It wasn`t match for compatibility, it was boy meets girl, girl and boy  ...

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Cake Master Recipe-Free Download

I love to cook. With 5 kids, I have to cook like I am feeding a small battalion. A few months ago, it occurred to me it would be a good idea to learn how to make a cake from scratch. I have a pretty large collection of old magazines and I was sure I had a recipe there for cake.Master Cake Chart  ...

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