Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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advice, how to

Q&A-How Do I Get My Artwork Noticed?

Going through my Q&A I will answer two questions from a fabulous illustrator Sapphire Shiohwan from http://www.sapphireillustration.com/. Thank you so much for your lovely complement! Now to your answer! The best advice I can give you regarding how to land jobs with big companies is this: Dress for the job you want to land. Or in our case, draw for the job you want to land. If you want to work with beauty companies, draw beauty related items. Couture fashions? Draw that! You have a lot  ...

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#POTW, diy, fashion illustration, how to

Fashion Illustration Project- Print Tape #POTW

  I have been dying to try gaffer`s tape on an illustration. But I didn’t want to buy it online. So I went to the local craft store, and found a shiny tape that resembled printed gaffer`s tape.  So I bought a few rolls and went to town! For this project of the week #POTW, you will need, Gaffer`s tape or tape with print on it. Sharpies Colored paper Use the tape to form the shape of the garment. Draw the faces in and bodies Sign that bad boy and enjoy it! Hope you love this  ...

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