Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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I`d Rather be in Paris

But then again, who doesn`t? I am busy yet again with school, two lovely clients and my kiddos who are still ‘summering’, for lack on a better term. We are trying to nurse a bumble bee back to health with sugar water and we are surviving on smoothies and grilling. Summer… I am starting to feel I have had enough and need a little fall, no?

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creativity, inspiration

Lady in Black Digital Black and White Fashion Illustrator and a Little Advice

This past week has been a crazy one. I will spare you the details but I will say I have learned to stick up for myself and what I believe in. My friend, who is also a graphic designer told me she heard someone comment on one of her illustrations. The comment paraphrased was ‘if you do digital art, it is not real art.’ It is annoying when someone comments ignorantly on something they know nothing about. To you anyone who feels that way, I ask- Does owning a stove make you a chef?  ...

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Advice for Success

I asked a friend and colleague whom I am a consultant for her business, ‘Is my help helping you?’ She tells me that I had given her great ideas, that she hadn’t time to implement them. She took someone else’s advice on an issue I had advised against, and she lost hundreds. She goes on to tell me her great plans for her business. She wants her business to help charities she cares about and the fact that her business hasn`t taken off frustrates her. “But I  ...

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