Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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fashion, inspiration, watercolor

30W30 Creme de Chocolat

I don`t know if that is what it is called, but after 16 days of drawing mostly dresses, I decided it was time to do French desserts. This one seemed like the perfect one and I wanted to paint it with as much light as possible. As always this was super fun and by the end of the day I ended up with more than 35 pieces. I am not following the list today or this week for that matter. Maybe the following week after Thanksgiving. In case you wanted to know, here is the list for –> 30  ...

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fashion, inspiration, watercolor

30W30 I`m the Boss… Maybe

  I really don`t want to stop watercoloring because I can`t find my muse. I think she took a sick day. The way I look at it is, I showed up and did my work the best way I knew how. This is a re-acquainted skill for me so getting used to all it can do may take me more than 30 days. I am also tossing the list. For the day. Maybe… I may need the structure later. Don`t get me wrong, I watercolor all the time, and most of that is done digitally.  It is not the same. At all. The  ...

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fashion, inspiration, watercolor

30W30 Not Feeling The Loose strokes

You probably will be tired of all the girly dresses but even with all the will and inspiration behind 30 Drawings in 30 Days I am starting to feel like I may run out of steam… We are just on day 15!!! So I am leaving this open to anyone`s suggestions. I will watercolor an item of your desire!!! Yet as you can see, I have reverted back to my sketching. Even with a brush, I just wanted to see outline. I am not sure why, but I love that French sketch look. Enjoy!!

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