Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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Learn to Draw Like a Fashion Illustrator- Lesson 4

You are in your 4th lesson on the Learn to Draw Like a Fashion Illustrator. Congratulations! The hardest parts are actually over and now we concentrate on presenting your work to your audience, preserving it and protecting it. Here are the past lessons in case you missed it! Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 These links in this post are sponsored links, As always, thank you for using the links below. The links help me continue to give you this type of content. Part 4: Your Work Ready for The  ...

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Draw Like a Fashion Illustrator: Dive into Draping Lesson 3

Draw like a fashion illustrator? Learning draping is essential! I know the lessons have been long, but there is so much to learn if you want to draw like a fashion illustrator!! Here is lesson 1 and lesson 2. In lesson 3, we will be talking about draping and how it relates to fashion illustration. The way I draw fashion illustration is more gestured than detailed. Both are important and intermediate-level skills! So… Let’s start with gestured illustrations first! A Quick Word  ...

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Becoming a Fashion Illustrator: Drawing The Figure Course-Lesson 2

Let’s Start Drawing! In this second part of Becoming a Fashion Illustrator, I will be giving you instruction on how to draw the human figure, what is draping, choosing a figure to draw, finding your reference points to make art, pose and form and your very own brand color palette! In case you missed it, here is lesson one and my link to my YouTube where you can find tutorials on how to draw fashion illustration both on paper and digitally. Lesson 2: Becoming a fashion illustrator  ...

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