Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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I just love my 50.0 mm f/1.8 lens!! With a 8x close up filter and shot at aperture f/1.7, my flash did not fire and it was a bit under exposed. I used the raw file to fix the exposure. Then I applied a filter or two from Faded Films. I can`t recall but I believe I had the ISO 2000, a bit higher than what I normally do. If you love these pictures, you can license them! Visit my contact page and send me a line! I actually love the grain it has in the closeup. This could be one of  ...

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photography, What's new!

No Resolutions Just New Attitudes

This year was nothing like I expected it. Friends were made, some are gone… But I can honestly tell you that I lived up to my last year`s resolutions.I narrowed down what I wanted to do as a resolution in one word. I stood up for what I believed in fearless and bold. I let go of people and situations that insulted my soul. And I accomplished many of the goals I set out to do this year. And I learned that some will make you feel bad for the things you have or accomplished. Some will  ...

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Write with Light

I have always wanted to create one of those pictures that looks like someone wrote with light on the background. I know it`s old as time and there are a million Photoshop brushes that will do it for you, but I really wanted to try it with my camera. How I did it Using my Nikon D5200, shooting it manual, I set my F-stop at 11, ISO at 100 and the shutter at 2.5 with the WB at florescent. I also used a tripod because I have super shaky hands. You need a little tiny light pointer or flash light  ...

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diy, photography

Caribbean Eggnog Coquito

I have been wanting to make a tutorial for a while and finally decided to share my grandmother`s eggnog recipe. As you know she passed away on October 30th. I thought it would be nice to share one of her recipes There are 2 main variations to it. You can make this recipe a bit more spicy by adding cloves and nutmeg, and a creamier version that omits these spices, adds a can of sweetened condensed milk and it`s primary flavor is coconut..My grandma`s recipe fits the later version.My  ...

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