Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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Belle Inspiration


Ooh La La- My article in Belle Inspiration

Been super busy! As you know, one of my side gigs is writing for magazines. This one is Belle Inspiration and it is quite my cup of tea. I wrote a article Un Voyage a Travers a France-A Photographic Journey Through Time of France. This article is only part of my collection of antique images of France and Paris. I am very proud of the end result and Mimi and Belle Inspiration has been kind enough to allow me to share it with you! Enjoy!

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Belle Inspiration Feature

As we near the end of this year, I am overwhelmed with how thankful I am for all the wonderful projects I have been in. This year was great! As we wrap up the year, I have been given a cherry for my cupcake. This fantastic feature on Belle Inspiration is truly inspiring! Mimi gave me an 8 page spread for both my artwork and my interview. Belle Inspiration is a wonderful magazine filled with ideas, style and artistic flair with a French touch.Thank you Mimi! I am in cloud 9! To purchase this  ...

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