Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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Corel Painter

creativity, fashion, watercolor

Noir et Rouge

Watercolor on Arches cold press paper. In 2009 I created the piece below in Corel Painter. Everyone loves it and it was one of my best sellers in Zazzle for a long time. So I decided to redo it on Arches cold press paper. Arches cold press paper has a beautiful rough texture that I really love. It gives the piece character and each stroke of the brush is more noticeable. The paper is also very kind to any mistakes you make as you can dab them out with a paper towel. The texture itself will  ...

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Being a Bit Ridiculous

Picasso was sitting at a café when a woman approached him and asked him to draw a portrait of her. Picasso acquiesced and quickly sketched her. He then handed her the sketch, with which she was very pleased, and she asked him how much she owed him. Picasso replied: “$5,000.” The woman protested, “But it took you only five minutes.” “No, madam.  It took me all my life,” replied Picasso. Cited from Marelisa. I think its a little ridiculous to hear of individuals who depreciate artwork,  ...

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