Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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Paper Grooves Bespoke Letterpress Design

Finding the perfect paper has been an adventure, that ended with the same paper I started with. There is nothing like cotton paper. It behaves a little like fabric. It`s temperamental and moody. I love it! So I decided to play with the Crane`s. This magnificent paper is not only a staple of any letterpress cabinet, but part of the history of printing itself. So I decided to observe how it behaved with different pressures and inks. I am partial to any paper weighting 220 or more as it  ...

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They Want Effect

A few years ago, I met Mr. Retro. Mr. Retro is king of retro digital washes. I spent good money (actually I begged hubby and he got it) trying to achieve that old magazine look with his filters. I searched high and low, and only Mr. Retro could do this. What`s so great about it? It will make your digital work look, well, retro! It is amazing some of the stuff he has achieved with Photoshop and filters. Besides his image “washers”, his Permanent Press  ...

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