Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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diy, tutorials

Hand Mixing Gouache with Kremer Pigments and Schmincke Binder

Did you ever wonder where Van Gohg, Monet or Renoir picked out their paint tubes? Well, they didn’t. They bought pigments and elements such as grounded stones, plants and charred bones, mixed them up with binders and solvents and created paint. There something awesome about mixing your own paint. Though it may be overwhelming to some, for me it’s a right of passage. After researching the matter for about 4 years, I decided to give it a go. Kremer is a great pigment company and  ...

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Bloomingdale’s Fashion Show

I The Bloomingdale’s Fashion Show was amazing! Between the models, the cookies with my image printed and the fantastic music, it was an a spectacular time. Here are some moments and illustrations from the show!! Pre-show moment I like to call “The cookie and me!” My handler for the day, Michelle Rene’! Some pieces ready to go!! DJ Christian L. mixing tunes! Cookies!! Every one got an illustration!! You can see more in my Instagram at http://instagram.com/elaine.biss  ...

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diy, photography

Caribbean Eggnog Coquito

I have been wanting to make a tutorial for a while and finally decided to share my grandmother`s eggnog recipe. As you know she passed away on October 30th. I thought it would be nice to share one of her recipes There are 2 main variations to it. You can make this recipe a bit more spicy by adding cloves and nutmeg, and a creamier version that omits these spices, adds a can of sweetened condensed milk and it`s primary flavor is coconut..My grandma`s recipe fits the later version.My  ...

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