Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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New York

event illustrator, fashion illustration

Ronald McDonald House Power of Purse Event with Danielle Nicole

I got to do something really special. I was invited to the Ronald McDonald House in NY, and I got to sketch moms whose children are suffering from childhood cancer and their mothers. When these kids are sent here, is because their family doctors have told their parents, that there is no hope. I found myself holding back tears… The Ronald McDonald House provides a place to call home away from home, support for the families and help with treatment. Whenever possible support this  ...

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French Connection x Elaine Biss x Bloomingdale’s in NYC

View image | gettyimages.com I have been traveling for just about over two month to New York and New Jersey with French Connection UK and Bloomingdale`s! Their Shop & Rock event was amazing! To be honest, I took a million pictures but Kris Connor did so much better than me! You can find more pics here (http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/fashion-illustrator-elaine-biss-customizes-purses-for-news-photo/487931822) Handsome Ghost had a concert as well as another for French  ...

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advice, What's new!

10,000 Hours

It is said that it takes 10,000 hours to know anything well enough to be considered a master. That equals to ten years at 20 hours a week. I started what later became Elaine Biss Designs on the Summer of 2004. I put in long hours learning web design, conquering Illustrator and Photoshop and SEO tricks I could teach my clients. In February 2005, I started hipnchicdesigns.com, which offered graphic and web design as well as illustrations for sites. You don’t even want to see what my  ...

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fashion, Illustrations

We Love Coco & Lolly

In 2008 I was approached by a rep of New York and Company. They saw my poodle and loved it so much, that the offer to buy it on the spot. I obliged. Subsequently, more artwork was purchased. Fast forward to 2010. I have heard the store is doing great but have never seen the goods created with the artwork I made. Until now. Thank you missjuicysista, a fashion video blogger on YouTube was gracious enough to video her trip to her favorite store. This just made my year :)

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