
5 Things You Tell Yourself that Kill Your Creativity

Have you ever found yourself talking yourself out of projects? Being mean or stingy to yourself? How about demeaning your skills? Those are sure fire ways to kill your creativity! Since I recently engaged in this shameful behavior, I figure I`d write an article on how I conquered my meany talk and revived my creativity. […] Read more…

Shimmer and Spark

I  have been experimenting with iridescent paints and metallic markers. If you paint with watercolors after having marked paper with a metallic Sharpie, the Sharpie will resist the watercolor paint because the sharpie is oil based.You may have to remark the area after you are done paining but nonetheless, it will shimmer.  The green dress […] Read more…

30W30 Sweet Kitty

So kitty and I were hanging out in my studio. I was hoping that kitty would sit still long enough for me to paint him. Well 20 minutes of his time is obviously to much because, you know, he is busy. I did like 5 sketches quickly then, he went off to sign autographs or […] Read more…

30W30 Creme de Chocolat

I don`t know if that is what it is called, but after 16 days of drawing mostly dresses, I decided it was time to do French desserts. This one seemed like the perfect one and I wanted to paint it with as much light as possible. As always this was super fun and by the […] Read more…

Poppy Coach

Hello dear readers! Please paint my site Poppy by tweeting and clicking the pattern on the left on my site. Whenever you tweet using my site’s personal #hashtag and secret keywords, my pattern will blossom. At the end of the Poppy Project, the top site on the Poppy Trail wins a $2,500 Coach shopping spree! […] Read more…

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