Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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diy, tutorials

Hand Mixing Gouache with Kremer Pigments and Schmincke Binder

Did you ever wonder where Van Gohg, Monet or Renoir picked out their paint tubes? Well, they didn’t. They bought pigments and elements such as grounded stones, plants and charred bones, mixed them up with binders and solvents and created paint. There something awesome about mixing your own paint. Though it may be overwhelming to some, for me it’s a right of passage. After researching the matter for about 4 years, I decided to give it a go. Kremer is a great pigment company and  ...

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My Russian Period- Watercolor Fashion Illustrations

 After the dark ages, a new Renaissance period emerged filled with beautiful artwork. After living through the cruelest summer of my life (insert over-dramatic gesture here), I am getting a chance to create beautiful artwork. And ever since I discovered Russian watercolors, I think I am in love! I even got Russian Kolinsky sable round brushes to keep it as authentic as possible. The colors are beautiful and they even have a metallic color line that is professional grade. I no longer  ...

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fashion, inspiration, watercolor

30W30 I`m the Boss… Maybe

  I really don`t want to stop watercoloring because I can`t find my muse. I think she took a sick day. The way I look at it is, I showed up and did my work the best way I knew how. This is a re-acquainted skill for me so getting used to all it can do may take me more than 30 days. I am also tossing the list. For the day. Maybe… I may need the structure later. Don`t get me wrong, I watercolor all the time, and most of that is done digitally.  It is not the same. At all. The  ...

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