Elaine Leon Fashion Illustrator Graphic Designer

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book illustrator, Clients, Illustrations, photography, watercolor, What's new!

Behind the Scenes 4

I think you could say I have been lost behind the scenes. The book, Ms. Pig E. Banks (available for pre-sale), had a minor glitch  I under quoted the time I needed to finish by two times as much. The 12 main illustrations ended up becoming 24 pieces and I was more than freaking out. Twice the work in half the time. On the brighter side, I got to meet the author. Ajshay is always beaming with energy and excitement. She stayed at our home for a week and her two Yorkies, Chloe and Bitsy.  ...

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Why Do I Care About SOPA-Breakfast at Tiffany`s

Last month I transcribed my conversation with Joe Pitts, our local rep, about how internet SOPA laws will affect independent artists.I also mention how I am “someone who understands what being falsely accused of copyright infringement means today, if SOPA passes, anyone who accuses a site or person of copyright infringement and could have their sites taken down without due process or proof of the actual infringement and be liable for damages.” At the risk of sounding like a  ...

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Clients, fashion

A Deeper Appreciation A Little Detour

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. — Leonardo da Vinci He wasn`t kidding. When the opportunity comes knocking, you should answer. Dior called me last week to be the illustrator for their Shoe Launch Event at Bloomingdale`s this past Thursday at the Roosevelt Mall in New York and Friday at Short Hills Bloomingdale`s in New Jersey. It was so much more than they had explained  ...

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